WeGoWarGo: a WeGo skirmish miniature wargame

Welcome to the website of the WeGoWarGo wargame!

WeGoWarGo, WarGo for short, is intended to be a novel and free to download system of rules for skirmish combat with simultaneous activation of model figures and other miniatures. It will feature:

  • A WeGo system of simultaneous deployment, command and action.
  • Mechanics using 20-sided dice.
  • Your own scale (from 10 mm, to 30+ mm).
  • Your own genre (from Fantasy, to Sci-Fi).
  • Your own miniatures (from commercial minis, to your own kitbashes or 3D prints).
  • Your own model units (from ready-to-play templates, to fully customisable model profiles with point costs calculated by a forthcoming app/spreadsheet).

To learn more about WarGo, feel free to navigate via the menu at the header and the links at the footer.

Best regards,
Danis, the WarGo designer

Make WarGo, not war..!
Logomark of WarGo wargame

News about the WeGoWarGo wargame