Credits must be given to the resources and people that contributed to the creation of WeGoWarGo. The following two lists will keep expanding as the WarGo project grows!
Credits to resources
Acknowledgements of fundamental resources are the following:
- The website is hosted by Hostinger.
- The website’s content is managed via WordPress.
- The website’s theme is the Rife Free by Apollo13Themes.
- The text in the WarGo logotype and WarGo logomark, as well as in this website and most of the written material, is typeset with two fonts from the Runescape font family: RuneScape Smooth Chat 2, and RuneScape Smooth Chat Bold 2. These two fonts were created by WolfieMario, edited by the WarGo designer Danis Dedes, and are distributed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported license. Since WarGo will always be free for all, there is an apparent compliance with the requirement for non-commercial redistribution of the fonts and their derivatives…
- The unofficial WordPress plugin Internal Link Tooltip Preview provided freely by Firsh from let’sWP. The plugin is used in the website for the WarGo rules.
Thanks to people
A big thanks goes to the following people: